Christianity 101

Christianity 101

Our Pastor has prepared a course of instruction that follows the general narrative of the Bible, incorporating its essential teachings, and applying them to life for people who may be lifelong Christians, or not; who may have some background in the Bible, or not;  who may be totally new to it all: Christianity 101. The disillusioned, skeptics, agnostics, people inquiring about Lutheranism, and people just interested in gaining knowledge are all welcome.

Our objective is to provide the clearest, most meaningful teaching material that we can, which will give students of all different stations in life a working knowledge of the Bible: its history, its stories and how they fit together, and just what the main point of this great Book actually is… Finally to answer the question: how can God’s peace and innocence in His sight be restored to us?

Christianity 101 is broken down into manageable units:

  • An Introductory lesson follows the story of the Fall & the Promise.
  • The Story of the Exodus provides the framework for studying the Ten Commandments.
  • Scripture’s Doctrine of God provides us with the opportunity to also explore the central teaching of Scripture, the Doctrine of Justification.
  • The systematic study of the Means of Grace, through which God brings forgiveness of sins, and guarantees a Resurrection of the body unto life everlasting, is the outline for the third unit.
  • Living in your vocation in the last days is the focus of the final chapter.

Group sessions are occasionally scheduled, but most often this course is taught one-on-one. Please contact our Pastor to begin!